The Shift in Kate Loreto’s Mental Health Journey

“Live one day at a time. Live one moment at a time and believe in yourself.” – Angie Chew

At Brahm Centre, we are dedicated to making a meaningful impact on the mental health and well-being of our staff and community. Kate Loreto, one of our dedicated team members, has experienced a remarkable transformation that demonstrates the power of mindfulness and self-belief.

Kate recently shared a touching story with us. After meeting with an old friend she hadn’t seen in 18 months, her friend noticed a profound change in her demeanor. “You no longer carry the identity of a mentally ill person,” her friend remarked. This revelation was eye-opening for Kate, as she hadn’t realized the extent to which her mental health journey had transformed her self-perception.

Kate attributes this significant shift to the mindfulness training and support she received at Brahm Centre, led by our founder Angie Chew Gim Leng. Angie’s guidance and encouragement to “live one moment at a time and believe in yourself” have been pivotal in Kate’s journey towards mental wellness. The training helped Kate shed an identity she didn’t even know she had, and embrace a new, healthier perspective on life.

Kate looks up to Angie as a role model, inspired by her dedication to mental health and her remarkable achievements. Angie’s influence and the supportive environment at Brahm Centre have been instrumental in Kate’s recovery and growth.

“I don’t know what exactly shifted inside me…but I do know you had something to do with it,” Kate shared with heartfelt gratitude.

We are incredibly proud of Kate’s progress and the positive impact that our programs and leaders like Angie Chew have on our team. Kate’s story is a testament to the transformative power of mindfulness and the importance of a supportive community in fostering mental well-being.

Join us in celebrating Kate’s journey and the ongoing efforts of Brahm Centre to promote mental health and mindfulness for all.