[Brahm Centre Counsellors] Qinyuen Wong

× Qinyuen Wong Qinyuen is involved in the community mental health field since 2018 and is currently a Care Manager with the Brahm Care Team. His experience is primarily with youth and young adults. Passionate in advocate for mental health needs amongst young people,...

[Brahm Centre Our Trainers] May Chng

× Ms May Chng May Chng was a former school vice-principal and a Ministry of Education educator for more than 20 years. At Brahm Centre, she established the distress service: AssistLine, which provides emotional support to callers. Currently, she heads the Youth Care...

[Brahm Centre Our Trainers] Siew Lian

× Ms Goh Siew Lian Goh Siew Lian is a former MOE educator for more than 15 years. She spent her last eight years in education working with youth who have learning challenges and/or are from disadvantaged backgrounds. She left the education service to answer her second...

[Brahm Centre Our Trainers] Christina Liew

× Ms Christina Liew Christina Liew is a qualified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction teacher, trained by the Brown University School of Public Health and a certified mindfulness course trainer of Brahm Centre. Christina is also trained to deliver the Dot-breathe...