[Board Member] Adj. Assoc Prof Angie Chew

×   Adj Assoc Prof Angie Chew   CEO & Mindfulness Principal, Brahm Centre Adj A/Prof Angie Chew is the Founder, CEO and Mindfulness Principal of Brahm Centre, a mental health charity with more than 50 employees, dedicated to promoting happier and healthier...

[Board Member] Ms Chen Yew Nah

×    Ms Chen Yew Nah Chairperson Ms Chen’s last corporate role was Managing Director, DP Information Group, part of the Experian® Group, the world’s largest credit reference agency. Experian is listed on the London Stock Exchange and a constituent of the FTSE-100. In...

[Board Member] Dr Christopher Cheok

× Dr Christopher Cheok Our Distinguished Adviser Dr Christopher Cheok is the Vice Chairman, Medical Board (National Addictions Management Service), Institute of Mental Health. He is a Senior Consultant psychiatrist and a visiting consultant to the Singapore Armed...

[Board Member] Professor Foo Keong Tatt

×   Professor Foo Keong Tatt Distinguished Adviser Dr Foo Keong Tatt obtained a postgraduate degree in surgery (FRCS) from the Royal College of Surgeons in 1971 and a postgraduate degree in urology (FAMS) from the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, in 1991. He is...

[Board Member] Mr Tan Siak Hee

×   Mr Tan Siak Hee Legal adviser Mr Tan Siak Hee has owned his own legal practice since 1984. He volunteers his time to give pro bono legal advice. He also holds talks on subjects of legal interest at Brahm...